Liturgical Ministries
St. George Catholic Church
124 W. 4th Street
Hermann, Missouri
Mass Times:
St. George
Sunday: 7:00 AM & 10:30 AM
Monday: 7:45 AM Communion Service
Tuesday: 6:00 PM
Wed-Fri: 7:45 AM
Saturday: 5:00 PM
Confessions: Saturdays 4:00-4:30 PM
Church of the Risen Savior:
Sunday: 8:30 AM
Wednesday: 6:00 PM
Shrine of Our Lady of Sorrows:
Second Tuesday of the Month May - Nov: 11:15 am Confessions & Mass at Noon
Contact Us
Church Office
School Office Phone
Diocese of Jefferson City
Chancery Offices
Liturgical Ministries
Click here to view the Dec-Feb Server and Ministry Schedule
Enhancing the Spiritual Life of our Parish
The Worship and Spiritual Development Commission fosters and enhances the spiritual life of the Cathedral parish by the planning and implementation of worship and spiritual development opportunities according to the liturgical norms of the Roman Catholic Church.
Serving at Mass and other liturgies is an important role because the server is assisting, not just the priest, but the whole worshipping community. Hence, altar servers are called to be aware of their role and their responsibility in performing it well.
Altar servers should have reverence for the sanctuary, and excitement for the Mass. They will assists Father at the altar during weekend Masses and for special liturgies (funerals, weddings, etc). Servers should arrive 15-20 minutes before Mass begins. Training is required and available for new volunteers.
Laity who assist the clergy in the distribution of Holy Communion during Mass, as well as to those who are home-bound or sick, are called "Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion."
These ministers must have received all 3 initiation sacraments (Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist), and should have a special devotion and reverence for the presence of Jesus in the Eucharist. Assists Father and Deacons in distributing Holy Communion. EMHCs should arrive 10 minutes before Mass begins. Training is available and required.
Greeters are the people that our parishioners and guests meet when they walk through the doors at St. George Church.
Greeters should have a warm, welcoming spirit, and heart for hospitality.
These parish volunteers welcome those arriving for Mass, opening the door for them, and extending a warm greeting.
Greeters should arrive 20-30 minutes before Mass begins. Training is not necessary.
To be a Greeter at Mass, you can simply show up early and take your place at the doors of church welcoming the congregation. All ages welcome!
Lectors are readers, who proclaim the Word of God at liturgies. All new lectors will have a training session prior to being assigned.
Lectors must have received all 3 initiation sacraments (Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist). Must be comfortable with public speaking. Proclaims the Word of God to the congregation, and should prepare and practice proclaiming several times throughout the week. Should arrive 15-20 minutes before Mass begins. Training is available and required.
If you are interested in becoming a Lector, please contact the parish office today to sign up and receive news of the next lector training session.
Music ministers should have a love and excitement for music and the liturgy, familiarity with the flow of Mass, and basic understanding of liturgical seasons.
Music ministry enhances the liturgical experience with music that is appropriate to the liturgical season and connected to the Scripture readings for the day.
Singers and instrumentalists of all ages and skill levels are welcome. Singers are not required to read music but must be able to carry a tune. Music ministers should practice throughout the week to adequately prepare and should arrive 20-30 minutes before Mass begins.
We are so excited to welcome new members into our liturgical ministries. To join our music ministry, please contact Tim Engemann (314) 607-2494
Ushers should have a warm, welcoming spirit, and a heart for hospitality. Our ushers welcome those arriving for Mass, and helps them find a seat if needed.
During Mass, ushers take up collections and assist with the flow of Holy Communion. After Mass, they hand out bulletins and tidy pews. Special duties as instructed.
Volunteers serving as ushers at Mass should arrive 20 minutes before Mass begins. Training is available and encouraged.
We have many behind-the-scenes opportunities to serve the liturgy!
Contact the Parish Office for more information or to sign up for: Decorating the Church, Cleaning the Church, Visiting the Sick or Homebound, Liturgy Committee, Assisting with Group Sacrament Celebrations.
If you have a special skill, other areas you’d like to serve, or are not sure where you can help, contact us!