Ministering to our parish and faith community
Below, you will soon find a list of ministries in our parish. These ministries are focused on serving parish events and programs. If you are looking for more ways to get involved with our parish, you can visit the Parish Organizations page. If you are interested in volunteering for a role during Mass or singing in the choir, please visit the Liturgical Resources page.
Confirmation Preparation
The Sacrament of Confirmation is one of the initiation Sacraments in our Catholic Faith. It is often misunderstood, as it is Jesus Christ who confirms our faith rather than “us choosing to be Catholic.” This Sacrament helps to mature us into Adult Catholics, as it is one of the Sacraments of Initiation.
The age for Confirmation is 7th grade. Children who are enrolled at St. George School will receive preparation for the Sacrament during the school year.
Children who do not attend St. George School will need to be enrolled in our Confirmation Preparation program. Please contact the Parish Office at (573) 486-2723 to enroll.
Confirmation preparation begins at the beginning of the school year and ends in the Spring. The Sacrament will be given by the Bishop at a special Mass in the Spring.
Your Calling
If you feel called to provide your time and talent in helping prepare these students for this Holy Sacrament, you can get involved by either contacting the Parish Office or by filling out your Time, Talent, and Treasure form sent to you in the mail. If you've never received one of these forms, please let us know and we will be happy to get one to you!
Gift of the Holy Spirit
In the Sacrament of Confirmation, the baptized person is "sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit" and is strengthened for service to the Body of Christ.
We look forward to meeting your child and preparing them for this Sacrament.
For Adults who Wish to Be Confirmed
If you are an adult who wants to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation, please let the Parish Office know and they will get you in touch with the RCIA Coordinator at our Parish.
Altar Servers
Serving at Mass and other liturgies is an important role because the server is assisting, not just the priest, but the whole worshipping community. Hence, altar servers are called to be aware of their role and their responsibility in performing it well.
Altar servers should have reverence for the sanctuary, and excitement for the Mass. They will assists Father at the altar during weekend Masses and for special liturgies (funerals, weddings, etc). Servers should arrive 15-20 minutes before Mass begins. Training is required and available for new volunteers.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
Laity who assist the clergy in the distribution of Holy Communion during Mass, as well as to those who are home-bound or sick, are called "Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion."
These ministers must have received all 3 initiation sacraments (Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist), and should have a special devotion and reverence for the presence of Jesus in the Eucharist. Assists Father and Deacons in distributing Holy Communion. EMHCs should arrive 10 minutes before Mass begins. Training is available and required.
Our parish has produced a Guide for Extraordinary Ministers. All EMHC are invited to read and review this guide carefully. If you are interested in becoming an EMHC, you are also invited to view this guide.
RCIA at Our Parish
At its core, RCIA is a program for people who would like to know more about the Roman Catholic faith.
Its most obvious application is for those who desire to be received into full communion with the Catholic Church.
RCIA is the process by which interested people learn about, participate in, and eventually become fully initiated members of the Catholic Church. We believe it should be a period of reflection, prayer, instruction, discernment, and formation.
Yet, even the most robust, well-structured, and successful RCIA program is not simply a one-time experience in catechetical instruction; rather, it is truly the beginning of a life-long conversion process.
We hope to serve RCIA aspirants as well as the entire parish and provide additional resources for information on the Catholic faith for those seeking to walk ever closer to Christ. We fellow Catholics realize that Christ’s call to follow Him involves a journey of life-long conversion.
Enrolling in RCIA Classes
Our RCIA classes begin in September and carry through to Easter. However, it's never too late to join! Click here for more info.
If you would like more information about becoming Catholic or enrolling in RCIA classes to become Catholic, you can do so by filling out this form.
Getting Involved
If you are a practicing Catholic and feel called to help instruct RCIA classes or you simply want to be a guide to those who are on the journey to becoming Catholic, let us know!
Please call the parish office at 573-486-2723 and we will let you know how you can get started!
Giving the Gift of a Meal
Food is the way to the heart, and we have a small group of people who give their time to cooking meals for various people in our parish.
Parents who have just welcomed a new baby into their family.
The elderly who might need a home cooked meal and some company.
Someone who is sick and could use a hot pot of soup.
High schoolers who are attending their Wednesday night youth group.
If you're interested in gifting meals for any or all of these causes, please contact Mary Beth Strassner at
Preparing couples for marriage is important, so important that it has been found to reduce the rate of divorce by 30%.
Premarital counseling, coaching, and education are investments in your couples' futures, investments you shouldn't risk to pass up.
Marriage preparation starts with the first meeting the couple has with the priest and is followed with a series of classes or a retreat.
To find out more about Marriage Preparation, click here.
Parish Schools of Religion
Parish Schools of Religion (often referred to as “PSR”) provide catechetical instruction to children and youth who attend public schools, so that young people can grow in intimacy with Jesus, be knowledgeable about their faith, and integrate the teachings of the Gospel into their lives. Parish religion programs also prepare young people for the reception of first sacraments.
PSR is for children Kindergarten through 8th grade. All children are welcome and encouraged to come!
We meet every other Sunday starting on August 28th at 9:15 AM to 10:15 AM in the school building library. View the entire yearly class schedule here.
If you have any questions or you would like to enroll your child, please call Susan Chorley at the parish office at 573-486-2723.
High School Youth Group
As of Fall of 2022 the High Schoolers in our parish have been given a brand new meeting space, upstairs in the old convent building on campus (across from the rectory).
The high schoolers meet every other Wednesday evening at 7pm starting in September. See the full schedule here.
This group is not PSR. This group is dedicated to forming a strong faith filled community among high school students before they leave school and enter college or the workplace.
Giving Your Time
If you would like to help with PSR classes or the High School Youth Group, please contact the parish office at 573-486-2723 and let us know where your desire is to help!
"Old age "is not a disease, it's a privilege," and while aging is not a disease, "solitude can be an illness. But with charity, closeness and spiritual comfort, we can cure it." - Pope Francis
We visit the elderly because we owe the church to them. Just like a helpless newborn needs our care and love, our aging elders need it too.
Join Us
We have a ministry dedicated to visiting our elders in the nursing home. Bringing them meals, communion, or just company.
This ministry had ceased in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic, however, the nursing homes have informed us that they are ready for visitors to return.
If you have a desire to visit the elderly, please contact Paula at the parish office at 573-486-2723 and she will put you in contact with Mary Steiner, the coordinator for this ministry.